How routine HVAC service can extend the life of your system

Aside from your home’s roof and a septic system, your heating and cooling system is one of the most important and expensive systems in your home. Unlike your roof, that just sits on top of your home providing protection, your HVAC system has many moving parts and mechanisms that need to be maintained over time to keep them functioning properly and efficiently. Like your roof and septic system though, it is a vital part of your home and a requirement to live comfortably. So, it makes sense that you take the proper steps to keep it functioning and running properly for many, many years.

The Summer and Winter seasons are especially tough on your HVAC systems. It’s vital to start each heating or cooling season with clean, well-functioning equipment. Aside from routine service maintenance by your fuel supplier, you can do your part to keep your unit running in tip-top shape.

  • Check the air filter monthly – clean or replace as needed.
  • Keep indoor and outdoor units clean and free from dust and debris. Do a visual check immediately after storms!
  • Monitor system performance and effectiveness to catch potential problems early. Is your home not heating or cooling as quickly as in the past? Are you paying more for fuel oil or electricity?
  • Report any unusual noises, temperature fluctuations, humidity increases, excessive on-and-off cycling, resetting, or sudden drops in comfort level to your HVAC professional.

Your service technician can perform routine maintenance that will improve the life of your system and save you money and headaches in the long run.

  • Energy Efficiency – when your system isn’t running like it should be, it has to work harder to perform the tasks you request. When it works harder, it needs more energy and it’s less efficient and uses more fuel. Not only is it bad for your wallet, but it’s bad for the environment.
  • Reduced Breakdowns – we offer all our clients our Annual Maintenance Plan. During annual maintenance, our service techs inspect the unit, make sure it’s communicating with the thermostat correctly, lubricate necessary moving parts, inspect fans, blowers, filters, and electrical parts. Finding and repairing an issue during the off season can prevent breakdowns, further problems from forming, and emergency repairs costs. In the end, the annual maintenance plan saves our clients money. You know what they say about an ounce of prevention!
  • Better functioning system – a properly functioning system is more efficient and quieter than a system that is malfunctioning. You may not notice a small increase in noise over time, but we’ve had many customers state how quiet their system is once it’s been properly repaired.
  • Air Quality – indoor allergies have been as much of an issue as outdoor allergies. When your system is running properly, it filters out dust and particles making your air quality much safer and easier to breathe.
  • Unnecessary Replacement – although new systems are more energy efficient, having to replace your system before it runs the course of its lifecycle can be a huge dent in your rainy-day fund. A good system should last 15 to 20+ years if it’s taken care of properly. We’ve seen units that have been neglected not even make it to the ten-year mark.

You may look at routine maintenance as a waste of money if your system appears to be running in good shape, however neglecting the proper care and service of your HVAC system can result in heavier than normal wear-and-tear, repairs that can cost you hundreds and even thousands, and a less efficient and noisy system.

Want more information on our Annual Maintenance Plans – CLICK HERE or give us a call at 860.274.3284.

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