
How does automatic fuel delivery work and why should I use it?

During the Summer, most people aren’t thinking about the upcoming heating season – in fact it’s usually the last thing on people’s minds. But before we know it, those chilly temperatures will be sneaking back in again, and it’ll be time to turn the heat back on – it is New England after all. It could be 80 degrees one day, and 50 degrees the next. The easiest way to prepare for the next heating season is really by doing only one thing – signing up for automatic fuel delivery.

What is automatic fuel delivery?

Automatic fuel delivery is a service that we provide at Baribault Fuel which estimates your fuel usage based off of several factors, such as your burner/home efficiency, past usage, tank size, and the weather and how cold it is. We’re able to project your estimated usage and how long we should wait in between your deliveries.

When you sign up for automatic delivery, you never have to worry about checking your fuel tank, scheduling deliveries, or even being home when deliveries are made. Our delivery team will make sure your tank is always full.

Here’s a few reasons why you should sign up today:

Beat the Autumn Rush
Yes, I know its months away, but during the off season is the easiest and quickest time to sign up. If you wait until Fall there could be dozens of other customers scrambling to sign up just like you. Once you’ve enrolled, you can truly spend the rest of your summer stress-free!

A Fill Up Every Time
With automatic delivery you have peace of mind that you tank is totally full after each delivery. You won’t have to worry about running out of fuel in the middle of the night.

It’s Convenient

As the weather gets colder you won’t have to constantly check you fuel tank levels, schedule deliveries, and even worry about being home when the truck gets there. It’s stress free.

Lower Your Costs
Our delivery team will be able to predict your fuel usage after just a few fill ups, which means you are only paying for the fuel that you will use. You’ll also never run out of fuel and have to pay any surcharges for an emergency fill up.

How do I get started with Automatic Fuel Delivery?

 It’s easy, just give pick up the phone and call us at 860.274.3284. To learn more, you can visit our website:

Get ahead of the game! Sign up for automatic fuel delivery for oil or propane this summer for a hassle-free heating season. Contact us to learn more and enroll today.

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