Spring Cleaning & Maintenance for your Outdoor Living Space

Now that spring fever is in the air, many of us are getting our outdoor spaces ready for entertaining and dining.  If you have an outdoor firepit table, gas grill and/or outdoor gas fireplace that hasn’t been used since last fall – it’s time to do some maintenance before you invite the neighbors over for a party!

Here’s a quick checklist:

Gas Fire Pit & Fireplaces

Whether you have an open model or a built-in table fire pit and/or a propane powered fireplace the maintenance is essentially the same.

  • Remove any loose debris that may be around the burners and ensure mice haven’t made a winter home in there!
  • Clean all the port holes and ensure all the fittings are tightened.
  • Check all your gas lines – making sure there are no obstructions. If you have any concerns don’t hesitate to call us at Baribault!
  • Rubber gas lines often get chewed by animals over the winter or sustain cracks – make sure they are in perfect condition.
  • Valves – make sure they all turn freely and are free from rust and debris.
  • Starter batteries – replace them. It’s usually a good idea to remove them before the winter shut down.
  • Call us to fill your propane tank if it’s stationary – or fill your smaller one to ensure you are ready to go!

Outdoor Kitchen space

In New England all outdoor appliances that require water must be winterized to prevent water expansion in pipes and motors – so now it’s time to reverse the process and get things ready.  Note – you want to do this once the fear of freezing weather is gone.

  • As with your fire pit, the first step is clean up. Removing all the debris and checking for pesky rodent homes that were made over the winter.
  • If you took out your appliances in lieu of winterizing, it’s time to put them back and hook them up to water sources, plumbing and electric
  • For winterized appliances and sinks – clean them out, turn on the water source and test.
  • Clean your grill/stove – the interior should be scrubbed with a grill brush to take off any residuals from the last time it was used. Take off the cooking grates, heat plates and clean them with hot water and a good detergent – lastly do a wipe down of the outsides.
  • Make sure no electrical lines have been damaged – if you are concerned, please contact an electrician to do a thorough inspection

A couple hours of maintenance will make for a happy season enjoying your outdoor living and cooking spaces.  If it’s time to replace your propane powered fire pit, fireplace or built-in kitchen appliances or if you want a professional inspection – don’t hesitate to give us a call at Baribault Fuel.  Happy entertaining!


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