Baribault Fuel Home Maintenance Tips

End of Summer Home Maintenance Tips!

End of Summer Home Maintenance Tips

The cooler weather of Connecticut will soon be here, kids heading back to school, fall country fairs, and before you know it the leaves will be in all their glory! When it comes to home maintenance, there are a few things you should knock off the “to-do” list before the weather gets cooler.

Painting: Outside painting requires warmer temperatures, so now is the time to address any spots on your home that need a touch-up!  Remember, if your home is older, you may have lead paint.  Be very careful when sanding – make sure you wear protective gear, including an air filtration system.

Power Washing:  Although the strong force of the water from many power washing tools may be harmful to your home exterior – especially if you have vinyl siding, there are lower pressure models that you can use to clean up any moss build-up, and dirt.

Decks & Porches: Wood decks and porches require annual maintenance – including inspecting screws and nails to ensure they haven’t loosened, checking for rot, and ensuring all railings are safe and secure.  If you see areas of rot – now is a good time to replace the areas with new pressure-treated lumber.

Windows & Screens: Surely not everyone’s favorite task – but cleaning all the windows and screens in your home is a smart move before winter sets in.  Be sure to inspect for any cracks and leaks – so you can address them now.

Furnace Maintenance: Summer is the time to get your furnace cleaned – the last thing you want is cold weather to hit and realize your furnace or boiler is not working efficiently!  Be sure to schedule your annual maintenance with Baribault Fuel to ensure you are ready to go by fall!

Smoke & Carbon Dioxide Alarm Check: We suggest doing this 2-3 times a year – routine check to ensure they are working. If yours are battery versus hard wire powered, now is a good time to replace the batteries with fresh ones.

Tree Maintenance: Before the snow comes, take time to remove dead, broken or damaged limbs from trees. Remember to contact a professional tree service for anything large limbs or trees that may have to come down.

Doing some end-of-summer maintenance now will allow you to enjoy the early fall season and prepare yourself for all that leaf raking and gutter cleaning that the autumn brings.  If you have any questions or concerns about your oil or propane heating systems or your air conditioning units don’t hesitate to give us a call at Baribault Fuel – our customer service team is ready to help! The number is 860.274.3284. For more information about our services and service area – visit 

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