Let’s get your Home Winter Ready!

Although snowfall is still a few weeks away, it’s time to give your home, and probably your biggest investment,  some love before winter.  Connecticut winters can be harsh on a home, so here are some tips to ensure your house is in tip-top shape come spring!

  1. Of course, we are going to talk about your home’s Heating and AC systems! On average these systems last a good 15+ years depending on what you have installed and how well they’ve been maintained.  At a minimum, now is the time to change the filters but we always suggest having a professional inspect and clean your systems yearly. Trust us, it’s better to find an issue with your boiler or furnace NOW than when it’s 10 below zero!
  2. Wood home? Time to assess and repair. Wood-sided homes take a beating during the winter, so now is the time to take a good look and caulk, seal and repair any issues you This includes trim and your deck – so if you need to do any painting, make sure it gets done before the temps fall below 50 degrees. PS – you’ll need to do this again in the spring, but being proactive now will lessen the workload in April or May!
  3. Clean those gutters! You may have to do this a few times, especially if you have gorgeous maple, oak and elm trees near your house. When the gutters are full, water can’t properly flow through them so it will go behind, trickle down your home and create a mess – including rot if you have wood siding.
  4. Chimney sweep appointment. Now is the time to get your chimney cleaned – also make sure the chimney sweep inspects for cracks in the stone or brick and damage to your flue. PS – now is a good time to order that firewood!
  5. Take care of driveways and any masonry patios. Fill and or seal any cracks so water cannot get in those cracks creating frost heaves and even larger cracks!
  6. Plumbing: Close down your pool, disconnect sprinkler systems and make sure any outside faucets are turned off. Closing the pool is an obvious task, but many homeowners forget about outside faucets and sprinklers – when the water inside freezes, pipes will burst and you’ll have an expensive mess on your hands.
  7. Change the batteries in smoke and CO detectors. A rule of thumb is to change them on the first day of fall and the first day of spring. If your detectors are hard-wired, they probably also have a battery backup – so don’t forget to change them as well!

 Time spent now on your home and your gardens, prepping before winter, will not only save you time but potentially save you money.  If you haven’t made an appointment to get your HVAC system assessed and cleaned – give us a call at Baribault Fuel today and we will get you on the calendar:  860-274-3284 or visit us online at www.baribaultfuel.com







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