Baribault Fuel Delivery Driver

Winter Tips to help your Oil Delivery Person

Tis the season here in Connecticut for snow, ice, sleet, and everything in between. We love a winter wonderland but those storms also mean slick roads, driveways, and walking paths which can be incredibly dangerous for not only you, but for our drivers and delivery team here at Baribault.

To ensure our delivery teams can easily access your propane or oil tanks safely, please follow these simple guidelines.

  1. Make sure your house number is visible. Although many of our drivers have been with us for years, we may have a new Baribault team member who has never been to your home.  Please make sure after a storm your house number is clearly visible.
  2. Clear your driveway. Baribault’s delivery trucks are large and heavy – so we need plenty of room to park and maneuver the hoses from the trucks to your oil or propane tanks! If you know it’s your delivery day and you cannot get your driveway cleared in time – please call our office to reschedule.
  3. Mitigate the slips and falls. Ice is far more dangerous than the white fluffy snow – so please make sure ice patches are salted and/or sanded to ensure our trucks and drivers don’t slip and slide. If it’s too dangerous, our drivers will have to make the hard decision to not make the delivery
  4. Make the path to your tank accessible. Most of our clients have tank accesses that are NOT right off the path to their front door – so it’s important to ensure there is a cleared path so our drivers can make their delivery.  They can’t bring the large heavy hoses through deep snow or an icy pathway.
  5. Rover may love the snow – but let’s keep him safe! When you know our trucks are on their way – for their safety, please make sure your pets are inside.
  6. If you are going to be away – let us know. It’s the holidays and that means traveling!  If you are going to be away and have no one to clear your driveway and walking paths if it storms, please let us know so we can coordinate delivery time for when it’s safe for our drivers.

 At Baribault Fuel, we want to make sure your heating fuel and/or propane deliveries don’t get delayed due to dangerous conditions for our drivers.  Let’s make this winter season a safe and warm one!

Thank you for your consideration – our drivers appreciate you!

Team Baribault.


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