How to Protect Your Home When on Vacation

Thinking of taking a couple of weeks off to head to a balmy climate for some R&R?  Good for you!  Let’s make sure your Connecticut home stays nice, cozy, and safe while you are gone.

Checklist for prepping your home during extended absences – print it out and save it!

Be careful what you share on social media. Everyone loves posting on social media when they are headed off on vacation, but poster beware because your local neighborhood thief is watching and waiting!  Either share that you have a house sitter taking care of your home or better yet – wait to share about your holidays when you get back.

Make sure your home looks occupied. If you don’t have a house sitter, or you aren’t renting to others – make sure to put lights on timers so it appears that people are staying there and don’t forget to have someone pick up your mail and newspapers OR have it stopped while you are away. You want your home to look like it’s business as usual. Lastly, ensure all blinds are pulled down, and windows and doors locked

Clean the fridge – you’ll thank yourself upon return! Anything that is close to expiration – pack it up and give it to your neighbor!

Put your water heater on “vacation mode”. There is no need to heat water when you are gone – so turn it to the lowest setting sometimes called “vacation mode”

Unplug everything you can! From lights, to computers to appliances that you won’t be using – unplug them.  Not only will you save on electricity, but you reduce the risk of a potential electrical shortage and subsequent fire.

Don’t turn off your furnace. You should never turn off your furnace in the winter months unless you’ve completely winterized your home ensuring no burst pipes due to freezing. Turn your thermostat down to 50 degrees and you should be good to go!

Turn off the water coming into your home -with one exception! Locate the main water valve coming into your home and shut it off, you are always one leaky faucet, leaky water heater or leaky anything away from a flooded house. If You DON’T want to turn your water off if your furnace is a boiler and needs hot water to circulate.

Elements Check! Chances are it will snow in Connecticut while you are gone, so it’s wise to have someone check on your house, plow your driveway and shovel your walkways while you are gone!

Winter is a great time to escape the cold and head to the islands for a week or more. Set a reminder on your phone for before you leave to make sure you go through this checklist.  Better safe, then sorry!   If you have any questions about your furnace or heating system, give us a call at Baribault Fuel – (860) 274-3284 – we are here to help!


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