What to look for in your HVAC System when buying a home

Buying a home in Connecticut is a significant investment, and one of the crucial aspects of a home is the HVAC system. HVAC stands for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning. It is essential to have a functioning HVAC system, especially in Connecticut’s harsh winters and hot summers. Before purchasing a home, you’ll want to ensure the HVAC system is in good working order to avoid costly repairs in the future.

Types of Systems, What to Look for, and Why Working with a Licensed Professional is Important.

The Type and Age of the System – HVAC systems typically last between 10 to 15 years, depending on the model and if the system has been professionally serviced and maintained.  If the system is nearing its end, it may be wise to factor in the replacement cost when negotiating the purchase price. Those prices can vary greatly depending on what the home currently has installed.

The most expensive and least common heating system to install in a house is generally geothermal heating. Geothermal systems use the earth’s natural heat to warm a home, requiring a significant initial investment for installation. Geothermal systems involve drilling deep into the ground to access the earth’s heat, which can be expensive. However, geothermal systems are also highly efficient and can provide long-term cost savings on energy bills.

Forced air and radiant heating systems are typically less expensive to install than geothermal systems. Forced air systems use ductwork to circulate air throughout the home, and they are the most common type of heating system. Radiant heating systems use hot water or electric coils to heat a home, and they can be more expensive to install than forced air systems. However, radiant heating systems are highly efficient and can provide comfortable, even heat throughout a home.

Overall, the cost of a heating system will depend on several factors, including the type of system, the home’s size, and the property’s location. Consulting with a licensed heating contractor can help determine the best heating system for a particular home and your budget.  Often replacing with a like system is less expensive than installing a different type due to how those systems function, ductwork, wiring, etc.

Inspecting the System

When inspecting the HVAC system, check the air filters.  Air filters should be replaced every three months to ensure the system runs efficiently and that replacement can easily be managed by the homeowner.  Dirty air filters can cause the system to work harder, leading to increased energy bills and potential damage to the system. Additionally, inspecting the ductwork, if applicable, for any leaks or damage is essential. Leaky ductwork can cause the HVAC system to work harder, resulting in higher energy bills and potential damage to the system.

Next – inspect the furnace or boiler.  Furnaces use forced air to heat the home, while boilers use hot water or steam to provide heat. When inspecting the furnace or boiler, check for any cracks or leaks as they can be hazardous and potentially lead to carbon monoxide poisoning. Inspect burners for any signs of wear or damage. Worn or damaged burners can cause the system to run less efficiently, resulting in higher energy bills.

Ask for past fuel oil and energy expenditures!  It’s not uncommon for homebuyers to ask sellers to provide at least a year’s worth of energy expenses.  High energy costs can be due to increased or high usage and/or an inefficient system.

Better safe than sorry! When purchasing a home in Connecticut, it is recommended to hire a licensed furnace installer to conduct a final inspection of the HVAC system. While home inspectors are trained to inspect homes, they may not have the same level of expertise as a licensed furnace installer. At Baribault Fuel,  our team has the knowledge and experience to identify any potential issues with the HVAC system that a home inspector may miss. Additionally, our licensed furnace installers can estimate any necessary repairs or replacement costs, which can be helpful when negotiating the purchase price.

Before purchasing a home in Connecticut, take the extra effort to ensure the HVAC system is in good working order before closing the deal. When inspecting the HVAC system, it is important to check the age and type of the system, air filters, ductwork, and the furnace or boiler. Hiring a licensed furnace installer from Baribault Fuel to conduct a final inspection is recommended, as we can provide a more thorough inspection and estimate any necessary repairs or replacement costs. By taking these steps, homebuyers can ensure the HVAC system is in good working order and avoid costly repairs in the future. For more information about Baribault Fuel visit www.baribaultfuel.com or call 860.274.3284.

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