Ensuring a Safe and Joyous Holiday Season: A Guide to Avoiding Common Holiday Hazards

As the holiday season approaches, homes are filled with joy, laughter, and a myriad of decorations. While these festive adornments bring warmth and cheer, they can also introduce potential hazards. At Baribault Fuel, your safety is always our priority. Please print out this checklist and feel free to share!

Fire Safety with Holiday Lighting and Decorations

Holiday lights and decorations, though beautiful, can pose a significant fire risk if not handled properly.

  • Inspect Your Lights: Before stringing lights on your tree or around your home, inspect them for frayed wires, broken bulbs, and loose connections.
  • LEDs Over Traditional Bulbs: Opt for LED lights, which are cooler, more energy-efficient, and less likely to overheat than traditional bulbs.
  • Don’t Overload Circuits: Avoid plugging too many light strings into a single outlet, as this can cause overheating and potentially lead to a fire.
  • Automatic Timers: Use automatic timers for your lights to prevent them from staying on for prolonged periods, especially when you're not home.

The Danger of Dried-Out Christmas Trees

A centerpiece of many homes during the holidays, Christmas trees can become a fire hazard if they dry out. This video by the National Institute of Standards and Technology is scary and a reminder to be careful!

  • Freshness Matters: When choosing a live tree, ensure it's fresh. Look for green needles that don’t fall off when touched.
  • Regular Watering: Keep your tree well-watered. A dry tree can catch fire and burn faster than one that is properly hydrated. Watch the video!
  • Position Carefully: Place your tree away from heat sources like fireplaces, radiators, and heating vents.
  • Dispose Promptly: Once the holiday season is over, or the tree begins to dry out, dispose of it promptly and safely.

Preventing Slips and Falls on Icy Surfaces

With the excitement of the holidays, driveways and stairs often see more foot traffic, increasing the risk of slips and falls due to ice and snow.

  • Timely Snow Removal: Remove snow and ice from driveways, walkways, and steps regularly. Don’t wait until the snow is 3 feet deep – save your back!
  • Use Salt or Sand: Apply rock salt, sand, or another ice-melting product to your walkways to provide traction and melt ice.
  • Adequate Lighting: Ensure that outdoor areas are well-lit so that icy patches are visible to visitors.
  • Communicate Hazards: Inform your guests of any slippery spots and remind them to tread carefully.

General Safety Tips

In addition to the specific hazards mentioned above, here are some general safety tips to keep in mind:

  • Avoid Leaving Candles Unattended: Always extinguish candles before leaving a room or going to sleep. So many home fires are due to candles!
  • Child and Pet Proofing: Keep decorations, especially small or fragile ones, out of reach of children and pets.
  • Fire Extinguisher Accessibility: Ensure that you have a functioning fire extinguisher that is easily accessible in case of an emergency.
  • Check Smoke Alarms: Test your smoke alarms regularly to ensure they are in working order.

The holidays are a time for joy and celebration, but safety should always be a top priority. Following these simple safety tips can greatly reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safe, festive, and memorable holiday season for your family and friends. Remember, at Baribault Fuel, we are committed to your safety and comfort throughout the year. Wishing you a safe and happy holiday season!


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