There is a reason top chefs don’t use electric stoves and ovens for cooking and baking fabulous meals and delicious cakes & pies – it’s unpredictable!
Propane has long been a standard, and beyond the unpredictability of heat regulation, there are a few other perks to using propane in the kitchen – inside or out.
Top reasons to make the switch to Propane for cooking:
- In most cases, cooking with propane is less expensive than electricity.
- Using propane allows you to cook even during a power outage – and in Connecticut, that’s a big deal!
- Propane is far more efficient than electricity for cooking.
- When it comes to clean energy – propane is one of the best.
- Propane allows the cook to regulate the heat far better than electricity avoiding that unpredictability factor.
- Propane stoves don’t need “cooling off time” when you shut them off, unlike electric stoves, which often take 15-20 minutes before the stovetop cools to room temperature.
What about Natural Gas versus Propane for cooking?
If you live within city limits, you may have access to natural gas for heating and cooking versus propane or electric. Although natural gas is an efficient alternative, it can’t beat propane in the kitchen!
From classically trained chefs to backyard BBQ Kings & Queens, Purists prefer propane because it burns hotter than natural gas. 2500 BTUs versus 1000 BTUs. Those numbers mean the propane will heat faster and use LESS fuel than the natural gas alternative.
Propane also wins in the safety department over natural gas.
- Propane has a narrower flammability range – it will NOT ignite when combined with air UNLESS the ignition source reaches 920F.
- Delivery is cleaner – there are no pipelines that can burst, nor can spillage occur.
- Natural Gas is a fossil fuel and produces methane when burned – propane does not.
Should you make the switch to propane?
If you are considering a remodel of your kitchen or outdoor space, we strongly suggest making the move to propane! The long-term return on investment is worth the upfront cost to make the conversion – of course, that cost will vary depending on the layout of your home, and a few other factors.
Curious about making the switch? Our Connecticut propane experts at Baribault Fuel will happily spend the time to discuss options and review your budget to determine the best propane solution for you! Give us a call at 860-274-3284 to set up an appointment.