How long is home heating oil good for

How Long is Your Heating Oil Good For?

We often get the question, “How long is my heating oil good for?”

Whether you just bought a home that may have been vacant for a while or you haven’t used your furnace for several months, ensuring your heating system is in good working order should be at the top of your “Let’s get ready for Winter” to-do list!

In a nutshell, your home heating oil – often #2 Diesel, will not be “good” forever.  It’s considered “old” after about 18-24 months, depending on conditions.  The good news is, if the oil in your tank is nearing the end of its lifespan, you don’t need to throw it out; it will just be less efficient. Older oil is less combustible, producing far less heat than fresher oil.

A little science lesson always helps!

If heating oil doesn’t reach the furnace’s minimum temperature range when it’s burned – your furnace should shut off, prompting a call to your fuel oil dealer.  At Baribault Fuel – we get a few of these calls every winter.

Once oil degrades to this point, it does need to be drained from your tank because nothing can bring it back to a healthy status.

So, what makes oil degrade?  Glad you asked!

The most common cause is bacterial, believe it or not.  Biodiesel, made from plants and animal fats is prime incubator for bacteria that naturally live in the oil.  Microbial growth happens over time – and stagnant fuel is especially at risk for bacterial growth. So the older your oil, the more likely you’ll have a high bacteria count.

The following culprits are water and condensation .  Too much water and your fuel oil will not combust appropriately, and excess water just helps the growth of bacteria.

Then there is sludge at the bottom of your tank that will break down the oil over time, clog your lines and degrade your tank.

In the end – you want healthy heating oil as it’s far better for your heating system and therefor more efficient!

What if you don’t know how old the oil is? When in doubt – call in the experts!

If you are unsure of the age and subsequent quality of your home heating oil, it’s best to have a professional test it and your heating system to ensure everything is in good working order.  Our heating oil experts at  Baribault Fuel can give your system a full workup and review before it’s time to flip the switch for those cold winter nights!  Give us a call at 860-274-3284 to set up a maintenance call or stop into our office at 600 Main Street in Oakville CT.

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