Air Conditioning

Regular HVAC System Maintenance: Your Key to Comfort and Efficiency with Baribault Fuel

From those dog days of summer to the bone chill of a New England winter,  the HVAC system in your home is responsible for maintaining a comfortable environment all year round. This is why regular HVAC system maintenance is not just a suggestion but a necessity. At Baribault Fuel, you ensure your home stays comfortable […]

Regular HVAC System Maintenance: Your Key to Comfort and Efficiency with Baribault Fuel Read More »


What does Baribault Fuel check for when Doing My Annual Furnace Tune-up?

The key to saving energy and money when it comes to heating your home is improving efficiency and one of the simplest and easiest ways to do that is by scheduling an annual system tune-up. The best time to schedule a tune-up service is when you aren’t using your system, so either before winter arrives

What does Baribault Fuel check for when Doing My Annual Furnace Tune-up? Read More »

energy star

ENERGY STAR – What does the rating really mean?

It’s probably pretty safe to assume that most people have seen the ENERGY STAR  logo on an appliance. Typically, you know that it means that the appliance will lower your home energy costs compared to non-rated models. But there’s a lot more to the rating than just the sticker. How did the ENERGY STAR rating

ENERGY STAR – What does the rating really mean? Read More »


Can Your Home’s Temperature Really Affect Your Sleep?

The answer is YES, the temperature does affect your sleep. Did you know that more than 1 in 3 Americans suffer from sleep deprivation? If you fall into that 33%, it could be affecting your health. While there are a lot of reasons why you could be missing out on those 7-8 hours each night,

Can Your Home’s Temperature Really Affect Your Sleep? Read More »

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